Pediatric Chiropractic

Pediatric Chiropractic Care in Altamonte Springs, FL

Preventing Common Childhood Problems


After delivery, kids need help too. It’s normal to have your baby’s eyes, heart or hearing checked. But what about their spine? Beyond the bumps, bruises, and falls that come with learning to control your body, children pass several milestones within the first 3 years. Each developmental milestone changes the neurobiochemical stresses the child faces. Evaluation and gentle adjustments at these times can aid in adaptation and appropriate progression. You can give your child the best chance at a healthy life with simple chiropractic checkups that can impact the rest of their life.  

The spine is the gateway for communication between the brain and body. When your baby or child has proper spinal alignment, the brain and body can communicate at optimal levels. This allows for the greatest possible expression of health. Misalignments, or subluxations in the spine, are caused by traumas, thoughts and toxins. Though it’s easy to see where adults experience the “Three Ts,” you might be wondering how a baby is exposed to these causes.

Misalignments, or subluxations in the spine, are caused by traumas, thoughts and toxins. Though it’s easy to see where adults experience the “Three Ts,” you might be wondering how a baby is exposed to these causes.


  • Birth injury (forceps, C-section, induction, vacuum extraction)
  • In utero constraint (breech positioning, posterior)
  • Physical injury (falls)
  • Physical stressors (extended back time, baby carriers)


  • Birth (separation, NICU)
  • In utero (mother’s emotions, conception)
  • Parenting (circumcision, attachment, cry it out)


  • Birth (antibiotics, steroids, Vitamin K)
  • Chemical stressors (cleaners, bath products, vaccines)
  • Food (formula/mother’s milk, introduction of foods)
  • In utero (ultrasounds, hormones, pharmaceuticals)

Problems we’ve seen Respond Remarkably well to Pediatric Chiropractic Care include:

  • Allergies
  • Colic
  • Difficulty breastfeeding
  • Ear, nose and throat conditions
  • Foot inversion
  • Infections
  • Nervousness
  • Projectile vomiting
  • Sleep disorders
  • Torticollis
  • Unbalanced face and skull development

With light force adjustments, we can restore balance and alignment to your child's system. The technique we use is known as KST (Koren Specific Technique) and is ideal for everyone, especially children and babies.